Friday, June 30, 2017

Hypothyroidism and Weight Loss - 3 Easy Ways to Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism

By Willie Aris

Unexpected weight gain is one of the major symptoms of hypothyroidism. As a result of this, many people who are suffering from hypothyroidism always find it extremely difficult to lose their body weight. The reason for this unexpected weight gain is because people with hypothyroidism tend to have low rate of metabolism which makes it difficult to convert fats and carbohydrate into useful forms. This can lead to frustration because as the weight gained remains uncontrolled, other associated problems of increased body weight such as heart diseases can develop over time. But in spite of this situation, it is still possible to lose weight with hypothyroid condition.
The following ways can help you to lose weight with hypothyroidism
1). Medication
Proper medication with regular monitoring by your doctor is the basic step towards controlling your hypothyroidism symptoms. Levothyroxine sodium is the most common synthetic hormones normally prescribed by doctors. These synthetic hormones are very effective in maintaining appropriate level of thyroid hormones in the body and have no side effects. When you take these hormones as prescribed by your doctors, your basal metabolic rate will rise and this will enable you to easily convert all the foods consumed into energy form and eventually reduce your weight.
2). Proper Balanced Diet
In addition to medication, losing weight with hypothyroidism can be achieved successfully by modifying your eating habits. You need to eat correct diet suitable for hypothyroid patients, for instance you should regularly eat foods that are rich in iodine. Iodine deficiency in the body is one major cause of hypothyroidism. Foods that are rich in iodine include egg, oatmeal and iodized salt. Iodized salt should be taken in small quantities when incorporate into your diet as excessive intake is harmful to the body.
Another important trace element for maintaining proper thyroid function is selenium. It helps to convert thyroid hormone, thyroxine or T4 into the active form triiodothyronine or T3. Brown rice, peanuts, Brazil nuts are very good sources of selenium, and they should be part of your diet.
More importantly, you should eat foods which are high in fibers. Food with high fibers will help you to control the symptoms of weight gain. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains contain high fiber contents, so include them in your daily diet. You should also drink plenty of water everyday. Water helps to flush out toxin and unnecessary waste from the body and this can help you to lose weight.
3). Exercise
To lose weight with hypothyroidism, you should engage in regular body exercise. Simple exercises such as running, jogging, cycling and swimming can help you to lose weight and control your hypothyroidism. To achieve the desired result, make sure to perform one of the exercises at least three times in a week for about thirty minutes. In addition, yoga and breathing exercises are also effective in controlling weight associated with hypothyroidism.
The best ways to lose weight with hypothyroidism are by engaging in regular body exercises and modifying your diet. In order to achieve the desired result, you need to formulate a healthy diet plan and undertake other Natural Remedies For Hypothyroidism. To learn more about appropriate dietary plan and other natural ways to control your weight and thyroid, visit
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