Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Hypothyroid Diet - Know Which Foods Boost Thyroid Function And Which Ones Harm

By Duncan Capicchiano

Hypothyroidism results in a sluggish metabolism for most. That means even though you eat well your may find you gain weight, or find it difficult to lose excess weight. For this reason, the appropriate diet plays an important role in healing. While diet alone may not cure hypothyroidism, it can certainly help balance thyroid hormones and reverse many of the symptoms of hypothyroidism. There are many foods that can contribute to illness, as much as food can contribute to healing of the thyroid gland.
It is important that you distinguish between healthy foods and foods that damage your thyroid gland when attempting to heal your body using a specific hypothyroidism diet.
Hypothyroid Diet Contra-indications And Precautions
It is also important you consult with a doctor or medical provider if you are pregnant or have any serious health condition in addition to hypothyroid disease before starting any type of diet. They may recommend modifications or additions to your program. This diet may not be ideal for everyone.
Foods That Boost Thyroid Function...
Typically whole grains and other natural foods including fruits, vegetables, and other high fiber foods are beneficial for individuals with hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism often results in constipation, therefore the extra fiber in these foods helps regulate the bowels and stimulates more frequent and regular bowel movements.
Fiber also helps improve feelings of fullness and helps to encourage weight loss. Many vitamins and key nutrients are also available in whole grains. Some individuals find supplementing with selenium helpful if they suffer from hypothyroidism because this trace mineral may be deficient or missing in their diet. This mineral helps the body convert thyroid hormone T4 into T3. One good source of this mineral includes Brazil nuts.
Other tactics for improving metabolism for people with hypothyroidism include eating several small meals during the day instead of sitting down to three larger meals. This keeps the metabolism boosted throughout the day, which can help with feelings of fullness and stimulate weight loss.
Some people find that this may also help balance insulin reactions and limit the crashes people often associate with eating too much refined sugar following a meal. If you eat too many refined foods including pasta, bread and sugar you may feel very tired or moody shortly after eating these foods, due to a dramatic increase and then quick drop in blood sugar.
Eating lean sources of protein can also help promote weight loss and stimulate the metabolism for people with a sluggish metabolism. Protein can help stimulate muscle growth in individuals who exercise along with eating well.
Foods That Harm...
While most vegetables and fruits are beneficial, there are some that can actually slow down or inhibit thyroid function. These include:
  • Bok Choy
  • Broccoli
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Mustard greens
  • Radishes
  • Spinach
  • Turnips

Why? These foods actually contain substances known as goitrogens which interfere with the ability of the body to produce thyroid hormone. Because of this the thyroid may enlarge. Soybean foods may also inhibit the function of the thyroid as well. The foods listed above can also increase one's chances of developing a condition known as goiter.
If you have relatively normal thyroid function you can probably eat these foods, just try not to eat them in excess. Also, most of the research suggests that these foods are dangerous when eaten raw, and not necessarily cooked. So, if you cook your broccoli and eat it on occasion, the odds are you can still get away with it.
Some people with hypothyroid disease find they are wheat or gluten intolerant. In this case the best hypothyroid diet may be similar to a diet for celiac disease, where the elimination of wheat and gluten products from the diet results in dramatic healing.
As you can see diet has a major impact not only on general health but on helping to balance thyroid hormones. If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism it is important to seek help from your healthcare professional, but remember that simple natural changes such as dietary alterations can go a long way in regard to healing.
For more information on hypothyroid diet, or how you can boost your thyroid function naturally, please visit www.HypothyroidismSecrets.com where you can grab a FREE copy of Duncan Capicchiano's hypothyroidism secrets mini-course. Duncan Capicchiano N.D. is a fully qualified Naturopath, Author, and Medical researcher specializing in hypothyroidism.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Duncan_Capicchiano/685867

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